CIMOLINO Italian products, italian delicatessen, italian deli
CIMOLINO Italian products, italian delicatessen, italian deli 140 Points
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62 ieme
Restaurant / gastronomy , Gastronomical
CIMOLINO Online shop selling Italian products: Italian sausage, Italian cheeses, oils, antipasti, sauces, balsamic vinegar, cakes and Italian wines |
( 0 visits on the week| Registered 24/09/2011 ) | |
Keywords : |
Italian products, Italian deli, specialty Italian food, Italian sausage, Parma ham, San Daniele ham, coppa, Fiocco, culatello, speck, pancetta, sausage nostrano, Italian deli trays, Italian cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano, oils extra virgin oli ... |