Frasne Haut-Doubs Doubs Franche-Comté Jura France 25560
Frasne Haut-Doubs Doubs Franche-Comté Jura France 25560 682 Points
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42 ieme
Travels / Tourism , Cities / Areas
Information on the village of Frasne (25560 - Doubs, Franche-Comté, Jura, France): geography, history, heritage, Cessay, station (TGV), town hall, restaurants, ponds, peat bogs |
( 0 visits on the week| Registered 09/03/2006 ) | |
Keywords : |
Frasne, Haut-Doubs, Doubs, Frane, Frasnes, Franes, the Jura, Franche-Comté, Franche Comté, France, village, villages, commune, communes, 25560, history, Cessay, Cessey, barn, farm, barn of Cessay, farm of Cessay, chapel, chapels, c ... |