the shop of original gifts,personalized gifts and arts and crafts
the shop of original gifts,personalized gifts and arts and crafts 23 Points
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2927 ieme
Shopping , House / Decoration , Companies / Societies
in our e-shop, we have gifts , house decoration,fashion accessories and more original, arts and crafts that we create in our work shop in the South of France,in the district of Languedoc.Handpainted items painted by a true painter artist. |
( 0 visits on the week| Registered 13/08/2012 ) | |
Keywords : |
art, idkdo, e-shop, gifts, personalized gift, original, mug, flower-pot, jug, collectable, pottery, Provence items, handpainted item, handworked item, artisanat, artisanal, coffret cadeau, peint à la main, jewellery, parure bijou, bijou fantaisie, cruch ... |