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France French Republic flag Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag India Republic of India (federal state) flag Morocco Kingdom of Morocco (Western Sahara is mostly occupied by and integrated in Morocco, see politics of Western Sahara) flag United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Turkey Republic of Turkey flag Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Israel State of Israel flag Canada (federal state, Commonwealth Realm) flag Romania  flag Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt flag United States United States of America (federal state) flag Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam flag Italy Italian Republic flag Korea (South)
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 1 :   Marabout africain
[link of vote] 6200 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Marabout africain +3 pts
Astrology / Clairvoyance , Psychology , Personal web sites / Blogs
 2 :   Blogs Annuaire Web France - French Blogs directory
[link of vote] 1333 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Blogs Annuaire Web France - French Blogs directory +3 pts
Directories / Search engine , Personal web sites / Blogs , Young people
 3 :   Tiket Kapal Karimunjawa
[link of vote] 1178 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Tiket Kapal Karimunjawa +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs , Mobile Telephony , Artists
 4 :   Gudang Informasi
[link of vote] 1074 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Gudang Informasi +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs , News / Media
 5 :   Latest Tutorial
[link of vote] 960 Points Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Voter pour Latest Tutorial +3 pts
Directories / Search engine , Personal web sites / Blogs , Safety
 6 :   Descargar Driver Impressora for your Device
[link of vote] 815 Points Spain Kingdom of Spain flag Voter pour Descargar Driver Impressora for your Device +3 pts
Downloads , Safety , Personal web sites / Blogs
 7 :   Villa Istana Bunga Di Lembang Bandung Barat Jawa Barat
[link of vote] 777 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Villa Istana Bunga Di Lembang Bandung Barat Jawa Barat +3 pts
Travels / Tourism , Travel , Personal web sites / Blogs
 8 :   Mengenal Budaya Jawa
[link of vote] 726 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Mengenal Budaya Jawa +3 pts
Culture , History of art , Personal web sites / Blogs
 9 :   Solusi Kredit Multiguna
[link of vote] 684 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Solusi Kredit Multiguna +3 pts
Finances / Money , Personal web sites / Blogs , Motor bike
 10 :   Blog Pelbagai Tutorial Komputer Masa Kini
[link of vote] 673 Points Malaysia Federation of Malaysia (federal state) flag Voter pour Blog Pelbagai Tutorial Komputer Masa Kini +3 pts
PC , Downloads , Personal web sites / Blogs
 11 :   TutorialMixs
[link of vote] 626 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour TutorialMixs +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs
[link of vote] 599 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour ROBOTIJO NET +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs , Emulation / ROMS , Cinema / Video / Movies
 13 :   tingkat trafik blog
[link of vote] 594 Points Malaysia Federation of Malaysia (federal state) flag Voter pour tingkat trafik blog +3 pts
Directories / Search engine , RSS FEED - XML , Personal web sites / Blogs
 14 :   Flowers wallpaper hd
[link of vote] 592 Points Italy Italian Republic flag Voter pour Flowers wallpaper hd +3 pts
Photographs , high tech / Multi-media , Personal web sites / Blogs
 15 :   Kitas Adsense
[link of vote] 569 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Kitas Adsense +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs , Webmaster , Finances / Money
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Web site of the Month
10 last inscriptions
2024-01-21 - Décuplez votre Présence en Ligne France French Republic flag Personal web sites / Blogs
2022-06-26 - Layanan Sedot WC Bergaransi 24 Jam Kuras WC Mampet Jakarta,Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Generation
2021-05-21 - Highpoint Media Web Designers United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Internet / Web Design
2020-09-26 - TOGEL ONLINE TERPERCAYA DAN TER.AMAN Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag News / Media
2020-08-05 - Topik Referensi Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Personal web sites / Blogs
2020-05-23 - Drupal 8 Consultancy and Freelance Services in London United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Personal web sites / Blogs
2020-05-02 - SEO Agentur Zürich Switzerland Swiss Confederation (federal state) flag Directories / Search engine
2020-04-22 - Mengenal Budaya Jawa Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Culture
2020-04-09 - Majalah dan Artikel Infosais Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Health / Medicine
2020-03-28 - IDN SLOT Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Personal web sites / Blogs
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W3 Directory the World Wide Web country Directory, World classification of the sites by Country and resources of the Web, national and World directory , restoring directory , wallpaper manga , Topicality of the stars...