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 1 :   Après la mort
[link of vote] 3686 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Après la mort +3 pts
 2 :   Forum sur la spiritualité bouddhisme zen et éveil
[link of vote] 1795 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Forum sur la spiritualité bouddhisme zen et éveil +3 pts
Religion , Psychology , Relaxation
[link of vote] 801 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour PUISSANTE MEDIUM VOYANTE TCHAGOU WINRI, RITUEL DE RETOUR AFFECTIF +3 pts
Services in residence , Astrology / Clairvoyance , Religion
 4 :   Lembar Kehidupan
[link of vote] 783 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Lembar Kehidupan +3 pts
Religion , News / Media , Others
 5 :   Marriage & Religion
[link of vote] 546 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Marriage & Religion +3 pts
Religion , Couples , Wedding / Marriage
 6 :   Religious Jewelry
[link of vote] 500 Points United States United States of America (federal state) flag Voter pour Religious Jewelry +3 pts
Female gates , Religion , Shopping
 7 :   tohablogger.blogspot.com
[link of vote] 383 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour tohablogger.blogspot.com +3 pts
 8 :   Maps Ireland
[link of vote] 379 Points Canada (federal state, Commonwealth Realm) flag Voter pour Maps Ireland +3 pts
Art and antiquities , Religion , Gastronomy / Wines
 9 :   Agen Umrah & Haji | ASAFI Tour Lampung | Amitra Syariah
[link of vote] 376 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Agen Umrah & Haji | ASAFI Tour Lampung | Amitra Syariah +3 pts
Travels / Tourism , Finances / Money , Religion
[link of vote] 359 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour 	SURABAYA INSIDE  +3 pts
Humanitarian / Solidarity , Religion , Humanitarian / Solidarity
 11 :   Download Ceramah Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur
[link of vote] 316 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Download Ceramah Ustadz Yusuf Mansyur +3 pts
Religion , Child / Families , Humanitarian / Solidarity
 12 :   Christian Comfort
[link of vote] 304 Points U.S. Virgin Islands Voter pour Christian Comfort +3 pts
Religion , Male Gates , Female gates
[link of vote] 270 Points India Republic of India (federal state) flag Voter pour KING OF JESHURUN +3 pts
Religion , Services in residence , Humanitarian / Solidarity
 14 :   Hendra King | Ghost Buster Indonesia | Call 0852-7910-9365
[link of vote] 267 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Hendra King | Ghost Buster Indonesia | Call 0852-7910-9365 +3 pts
 15 :   GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41
[link of vote] 249 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41 +3 pts
Culture , Religion , Young people
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2020-09-05 - GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41 France French Republic flag Culture
2019-08-25 - Agen Umrah & Haji | ASAFI Tour Lampung | Amitra Syariah Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Travels / Tourism
2019-06-28 - Hendra King | Ghost Buster Indonesia | Call 0852-7910-9365 Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Religion
2019-05-17 - PUISSANTE MEDIUM VOYANTE TCHAGOU WINRI, RITUEL DE RETOUR AFFECTIF France French Republic flag Services in residence
2019-04-08 - Voyant médium spécialiste des sciences occultes et de la magie blanche vaudou Magie - Envoûtements France French Republic flag Services in residence
2018-05-28 - TIPS DAN TRIK | INSPIRATIF | EDUKASI | TANYA USTADZ Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Sciences
2018-04-30 - Fardhie Hantary Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Religion
2018-03-03 - Lembar Kehidupan Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Religion
2017-09-12 - Santri Nusantara Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Society / Family
2017-01-26 - Pemikir Islam Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag News / Media
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