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Beach volley Directory

Volley ball is a collective sport invented on February 9 1895 in the United States by a physical professor of education of the YMCA, William G Morgan, in order to occupy the athletes during the winter. Its name comes from the English verb ' to volley' which means ' to make fly (the ball) ', principal goal of the play In the beginning, the name was ' mintonette', but it did not keep it a long time. An international federation of French origin, the International Federation of Volley ball (FIVB), founded in 1947, defines the rules of the game. The first world championships took place in 1952. Volley ball is discipline Olympic since 1964; its more estival version, the beach-volleyball is since 1996.

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2015-01-18 - permainan bola voli Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Beach volley
2012-02-12 - Make Money Free World Sports Live Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Downloads
2011-10-13 - club man utd United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Beach volley
2011-06-17 - nba nhl United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Beach volley
2011-05-20 - World Sport Collection-All About Sports and More much Canada (federal state, Commonwealth Realm) flag Football
2008-12-12 - vente de tongs havaianas et serviette de plage France French Republic flag Economy / Business
2008-11-13 - Sport-Time, le spécialiste du sport indoor France French Republic flag Sports
2008-01-19 - Surf school Messanges surf camp France French Republic flag Ship / Water sport
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