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Judo Directory

The judo or sees flexibility is a martial arts of Japanese origin (budo), founded by Jigoro Kano in 1882. It is composed essentially of techniques of projection, of control on the ground, throttlings and keys. Le lieu où l'on pratique le judo s'appelle le dojo. Les pratiquants (les judokas) portent une tenue en coton renforcée appelée judogi, souvent appelée à tort kimono, qui est le nom générique de la tenue traditionnelle japonaise.

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Web site of the Month
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2020-01-05 - Chat Turks and Caicos Islands Cities / Areas
2016-10-06 - mufid Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Young people
2016-06-24 - PENGIJAZAHAN ILMU HIKMAH Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Karaté
2011-10-21 - Antrenor,personal,incepatorii,copii,lectii,box ,kickboxing, antrenamente, cardio ,club,sala,curs Romania  flag Karaté
2011-07-12 - Boxing Products Supplier|Boxing Equipment | Martial Arts Equipment Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Judo
2010-06-25 - brazilian jiu jitsu in los angeles U.S. Virgin Islands Judo
2010-02-05 - Boxing Products Supplier, boxing equipments, boxing gloves, martial arts equipments Germany Federal Republic of Germany (federal state) flag Judo
2009-10-15 - Boxing Gloves,Martial Arts Equipment Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Judo
2009-10-11 - AYABUZA.COM BRAND SINCE 2001 France French Republic flag Sports
2009-06-06 - Charisma Fight Gear ( Group of Companies) Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Karaté
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