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 1 :   Tabir Hukum
[link of vote] 958 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Tabir Hukum +3 pts
Sciences , Studies / Formations , News / Media
 2 :   Everything Simplified
[link of vote] 571 Points Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Voter pour Everything Simplified +3 pts
 3 :   The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
[link of vote] 505 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle +3 pts
Sciences , Nature / Environment
 4 :   Cours de science de la vie et de la terre
[link of vote] 455 Points Tunisia Republic of Tunisia flag Voter pour Cours de science de la vie et de la terre +3 pts
Sciences , Biology , Archaeology
 5 :    Tips SEO, Desain, Template SEO Friendly
[link of vote] 447 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour  Tips SEO, Desain, Template SEO Friendly +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs , Sciences
 6 :   Ernan Network
[link of vote] 438 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Ernan Network +3 pts
 7 :   Flat Earth 101 Lampung
[link of vote] 407 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Flat Earth 101 Lampung +3 pts
Sciences , Economy / Business , Young people
 8 :   Simplified Things
[link of vote] 400 Points Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Voter pour Simplified Things +3 pts
Science and technology of art , Safety , Sciences
 9 :   en Mosaic Review
[link of vote] 351 Points Canada (federal state, Commonwealth Realm) flag Voter pour en Mosaic Review +3 pts
News / Media , Generation , Sciences
 10 :   Weekly Practice Test
[link of vote] 238 Points India Republic of India (federal state) flag Voter pour Weekly Practice Test +3 pts
 11 :   voyance gratuite par mail
[link of vote] 227 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour voyance gratuite par mail +3 pts
 12 :   Dr Fethi Jelif - Gynecologue
[link of vote] 217 Points Tunisia Republic of Tunisia flag Voter pour Dr Fethi Jelif - Gynecologue +3 pts
 13 :   Books gratuits
[link of vote] 207 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Books gratuits +3 pts
 14 :   Kreatifitasku
[link of vote] 199 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Kreatifitasku +3 pts
Science and technology of art , Sciences
[link of vote] 161 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour EDUKASIKU +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs , Sciences , Others
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Web site of the Month
10 last inscriptions
2021-11-20 - Winner Prestasi Les Privat Calistung Sd Smp SMA SBMPTN SimakUI AKM OSN di Jabodetabek ~ Indonesia Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Sciences
2019-06-14 - Simplified Things Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Science and technology of art
2019-04-08 - Flat Earth 101 Lampung Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Sciences
2019-02-22 - Grand marabout africain sérieux et honnête ANGE France French Republic flag Sciences
2018-12-08 - Pinoy Brains Philippines, the Republic of the Philippines flag Sciences
2018-11-25 - Pinoy Brains Philippines, the Republic of the Philippines flag Sciences
2018-05-28 - TIPS DAN TRIK | INSPIRATIF | EDUKASI | TANYA USTADZ Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Sciences
2018-01-26 - Ernan Network Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Sciences
2017-10-16 - Download Arabic Literature Books Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt flag Art books
2017-10-16 - Download Arabic Literature Books Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt flag Art books
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