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 1 :   Sains for the world
[link of vote] 451 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Sains for the world +3 pts
Science and technology of art , Physics , Astronomy
 2 :   jogja belajar
[link of vote] 437 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour jogja belajar +3 pts
Reading / Literature , News / Media , Physics
 3 :   Tips on how to Convert a Scanned PDF Doc into a a Text File
[link of vote] 238 Points Iceland Republic of Iceland flag Voter pour Tips on how to Convert a Scanned PDF Doc into a a Text File +3 pts
Physics , Mathematics
 4 :   Garda Pengetahuan
[link of vote] 215 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Garda Pengetahuan +3 pts
Physics , Biology , Mathematics
[link of vote] 162 Points Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Voter pour FREE SOFTWARE AND BOOKS +3 pts
Physics , Directories / Search engine , Bidding / Destockings
 6 :   cours scientifiques libres
[link of vote] 160 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour cours scientifiques libres +3 pts
Sciences , Chemistry , Physics
 7 :   Pierre-Matthieu Anglade - page personnelle _uacct =
[link of vote] 129 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Pierre-Matthieu Anglade - page personnelle

_uacct = +3 pts
Physics , Others
 8 :   All about nuclear detectors!
[link of vote] 37 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour All about nuclear detectors! +3 pts
 9 :   Instrumentation nucléaire: physique de base, phénomènes radioactifs et détecteurs industriels
[link of vote] 30 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Instrumentation nucléaire: physique de base, phénomènes radioactifs et détecteurs industriels +3 pts
 10 :   EEE Exclusive
[link of vote] 28 Points India Republic of India (federal state) flag Voter pour EEE Exclusive +3 pts
Mathematics , News / Media , Physics
 11 :   Livre Technique
[link of vote] 24 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Livre Technique +3 pts
Physics , Economy / Business , Mathematics

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Web site of the Month
10 last inscriptions
2019-01-24 - MasterIPA Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Biology
2016-09-12 - Letice, new sensational escort Romania  flag Sex / Charm
2016-04-17 - Garda Pengetahuan Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Physics
2016-02-13 - Sains for the world Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Science and technology of art
2015-09-21 - jogja belajar Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Reading / Literature
2015-01-13 - Another Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Physics
2013-12-25 - Máy in phun date ðiện tá»­ Videojet, máy khắc laser, máy in chuyển nhiệt Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam flag Physics
2013-03-14 - Livre Technique France French Republic flag Physics
2012-07-26 - EEE Exclusive India Republic of India (federal state) flag Mathematics
2012-07-04 - cours scientifiques libres France French Republic flag Sciences
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