My Social Network People
My Social Network People 22 Points
- [vote link]
376 ieme
Young people , Cinema / Video / Movies , Music
Social Network, Inviting friends, free video, upload music, share music, free chat, free games, Create Group, Events, share Forums, post Classified, Blogs, Polls,Competitions, Contest, Prizes |
( 0 visits on the week| Registered 28/08/2011 ) | http://www.msnpeople.com |
Keywords : |
Social network, free Videos, share Videos, share Music, Music, Album, share Album, Photos, chat, online games, create groups, groups, create groups, share groups, Create Blogs, Forums, forums, create Events, file storage, invite friends, meet frien ... |
Global Classement - ( all countries ) |
Day 8 |
Day 7 |
Day 6 |
Day 5 |
Day 4 |
Day 3 |
Day 2 |
Day 1 |
Tuesday th |
Tuesday th |
Tuesday th |
Tuesday th |
Tuesday th |
Tuesday th |
Tuesday th |
Thursday 06th |
Top W3 |
11505 |
Top Vote |
12062 |
Top Visite |
8134 |
nbr sites |
16314 |
Heading classement - ( all countries ) |
Top W3 |
Top Vote |
Top Visite |
nbr sites |
day 8 |
day 7 |
day 6 |
day 5 |
day 4 |
day 3 |
day 2 |
Last day
(day 1) |
333 |
355 |
160 |
454 |
Top W3 |
Top Vote |
Top Visite |
nbr sites |
day 8 |
day 7 |
day 6 |
day 5 |
day 4 |
day 3 |
day 2 |
Last day
(day 1) |
519 |
574 |
213 |
805 |
Top W3 |
Top Vote |
Top Visite |
nbr sites |
day 8 |
day 7 |
day 6 |
day 5 |
day 4 |
day 3 |
day 2 |
Last day
(day 1) |
280 |
293 |
161 |
409 |
Advice : |
How to improve your W3 classification ? |
Classification W3 is based on the number of Hits generated by your site when a Net surfer comes on Directory World Wide Web by the means of your [ vote link ].
Of or importance to highlight this bond on your site.