Orchestre Cyriel Music-VIP Entertainment
Orchestre Cyriel Music-VIP Entertainment 219 Points
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323 ieme
Variety , Wedding / Marriage , Music
Professional international variety orchestra, available for the all world, lights and sound materials for rent, recording studio, available for artists, dj, meeting, marriage, bartmizva,people events, private events, sound design, pub etc.
( 0 visits on the week| Registered 13/03/2006 ) | http://www.orchestrecyrielmusic.com |
Keywords : |
orchestre, variété, animation, musique, audio, spectacle, artiste, people, mariage, fete, communion, scene, show, soire e privee, musiciens, gilbert montagne, gloria gaynor, music, mp3, location, salle, studio d-enregistrement, label, major, disque, produ ... |