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 1 :   vip shanghai escort
[link of vote] 614 Points China People's Republic of China (see also Taiwan (ROC)) flag Voter pour vip shanghai escort +3 pts
Athletics , Collections
 2 :   La coutellerie
[link of vote] 265 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour La coutellerie +3 pts
Decoration , Shopping , Collections
 3 :   Club Tyrosémiophile de France, association des collectionneurs d'étiquettes de fromage
[link of vote] 217 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Club Tyrosémiophile de France, association des collectionneurs d'étiquettes de fromage +3 pts
 4 :   Black Hole Sun Online - Boinc, Seti, le calcul distribué, le modélisme
[link of vote] 163 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Black Hole Sun Online - Boinc, Seti, le calcul distribué, le modélisme +3 pts
Collections , Astronomy , Data processing / Hardware / Software
 5 :   Movies Taker
[link of vote] 130 Points Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Voter pour Movies Taker +3 pts
Cinema / Video / Movies , Collections , MP3
 6 :   Propose des films et des series en streaming : Cinfilm.com
[link of vote] 28 Points Qatar Voter pour Propose des films et des series en streaming : Cinfilm.com +3 pts
Cinema / Video / Movies , BD / Manga , Collections
 7 :   Mineraldesign sell minerals from Namibia and others
[link of vote] 19 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Mineraldesign sell minerals from Namibia and others +3 pts
Collections , Decoration

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Web site of the Month
10 last inscriptions
2018-07-15 - vip shanghai escort China People's Republic of China (see also Taiwan (ROC)) flag Athletics
2017-03-27 - NEW CAR REVIEWS United States United States of America (federal state) flag Collections
2017-01-11 - FilmStreaming4u France French Republic flag Cinema / Video / Movies
2016-10-29 - www.duniaxxnx.blogspot.com Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Collections
2015-11-14 - Shalat Khusyu' Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Wedding / Marriage
2015-11-14 - Regarder Films En Streaming Et Sans Limite France French Republic flag Cinema / Video / Movies
2015-07-08 - pusat batu cincin Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Collections
2015-06-10 - Casa Djaja Residence Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Artists
2015-05-28 - Blog terupdate Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Collections
2015-05-19 - SYAMAI COLLECTIONS Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag BD / Manga
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W3 Directory the World Wide Web country Directory, World classification of the sites by Country and resources of the Web, national and World directory , restoring directory , wallpaper manga , Topicality of the stars...